To disable tablet mode on your PC, just restart your device by pressing and holding the power button until the screen goes blank and the power indicator light goes off > Press and hold it again until the screen lights back up.

Tablet Mode usually works for advanced laptops and this feature allows you to use the touch-screen option.

Press the Windows key and X key together on the keyboard > Select Device Manager using the down arrow key and press Enter > Using the down arrow key, select Mouse and other Pointing devices > Press Enter > Navigate to your mouse and press Shift + F10 on your keyboard > On the drop-down menu, select Update Driver > Press Enter > Select Search Automatically and wait as your computer finds and installs the drivers for your mouse > Restart your computer and wait for the changes to effect. You can update the drivers of your mouse when you have an internet connection. Old or corrupt mouse drivers can cause your mouse cursor to disappear on your screen. Press the Window key and the R key on the keyboard > In the Run dialog box, type ‘ control mouse’ and press Enter on the keyboard > Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to access the Pointer Options and navigate to Hide Pointer > Press on it to uncheck it > Apply and save the changes. You may have accidentally hidden the mouse cursor on your screen and you have to unhide it for it to appear. How To Fix Mouse Pointer Disappearing In Windows 11 Fix 1: Show Mouse Pointer This may include you disabling the touchpad on your laptop, enabling tablet mode (for touchscreen PCs), or simply hiding the mouse cursor. You may have messed up with your settings on your Personal Computer which may have accidentally caused the mouse pointer to disappear. The cable of the wired mouse may be frayed, the Bluetooth connection between the mouse and the computer is unstable or the batteries in the wireless mouse are dead. The connection between your mouse (wires/wireless) and the computer might be unstable, which is why the cursor icon disappears from the screen. The drivers are what regulate the connection between your mouse and the computer. Your mouse drivers may also be out of date which is why your mouse cursor disappears on your screen. The mouse cursor disappearing from your computer screen might be a result of bugs and technical glitches affecting the software version which is Windows 11. Why Does Mouse Cursor Disappear? Technical issue